What's NewThis page serves as a journal of the changes that have been made to the web site since its inception. 5/11/2000 - It's all new!! First posting of all the information that I've been pulling together for many years. 6/1/2000 - Added story descriptions and cover photos in "The Stories" section for volumes 31-43 in the original series. Corrected some typos in the original web postings, and added a little more information about Bob Andrews. Added a photo of Robert Arthur to the authors section. A special thanks to Steven Bauer and Elizabeth Arthur for their generosity in allowing me to use this photo. Also converted all the web pages to a true "frames" presentation. 6/12/2000 - Added a NEW section on the prominent villains in the series. Also added a "Fun Stuff" section with a few web polls. Hopefully, I'll be able to add some more activities as time goes on. 6/30/2000 - Added the Crimebusters stories to the "Stories" Section. Also updated the section on the new books to provide links for purchase through amazon.com 7/30/2000 - Added a new section on the German version of the Three Investigators. 10/20/2000 - Added a section on Roger Hall in the "Illustrators" section. Updated some of the earlier pages. Updated the "Links" page. Changed the frames layout to be more user-friendly. 03/21/2001 - Posted ALL the internal illustrations from the US stories. Look in the "Stories" section and then pick a story. Also added some beautiful drawings by Martha Schwartz in a new section called "T3I Artwork." Updated a few links to current web addresses. Added hyperlinks on the pages discussing The Jones Salvage Yard and Headquarters illustrations to link to the posted illustrations. 05/18/01 - Added a page with a T3I Desktop Theme. It has a wallpaper, icons, cursors, and sounds. Check it out!! 6/01/01 - Updated "The Illustrators" section with new information obtained from recent conversations with Ed Vebell, including scans of photos he used to draw the covers. PLUS, Martha Schwartz sent three new drawings for me to post. Those are in the "T3I Artwork" section! 08/29/01 - Added some new information on Harry Kane regarding his other illustrating work. Added a new section entitled "The Covers" that shows the artwork of the wraparound covers. Updated "The Stories" section with UK artwork on The Mystery of the Deadly Double. 10/18/01 - Added some more information in the "Questions to Ponder" section. Updated some web addresses in links throughout the site. 8/6/2002 - Made some cosmetic changes to the site. Also added more internal illustrations from the UK books and the wraparound cover illustrations. Posted two 3D renderings of the interior of Headquarters for fans to see. 8/20/02 - Added cover scans and internal illustrations for the Find Your Fate books in the Three Investigators series. Just go to "The Stories" and click on the book titles. 5/08/03 - Added scans of two book covers drawn by Harry Kane. Look at the page with More Information on Harry Kane. Also added scans of more drawings by Martha Schwartz! She's quite an artist. Look at the T3I Artwork section. 9/22/03 - Added a special page on the original artwork of Harry Kane, which was acquired by Frame Art Gallery. Click here to read all about it. 12/6/06 - Ahtough there have been minor several changes the last few years, I didn't keep up with them. However, some changes have been (a) the addition of a chapter of an upcoming T3I story that I wrote, (b) additional T3I artwork by Lark Pien, and a general overhaul of the appearance of the site.