
Below you will find a list of links that are related to The Three Investigators. It is not a comprehensive list, but I hope to add more links as I discover more sites that will appeal to T3I fans. If you know of a good T3I site, e-mail me, and I will consider adding it to the list.

  • U.S. Editions/Formats Collector Site -
    This site has been long anticipated by many of us fans of the series. Seth Smolinske is a long-time collector who has amassed probably the most information on the collecting aspects of the series. Seth has a personal collection of books that numbers in the hundreds, and by comparing differences in multiple copies of the same titles, he has "played detective" to piece together the publishing history of the series. PLUS, Seth's site has copies of interviews with William Arden and Gayle Lynds (G.H. Stone), two of the writers who played a role in the Three Investigators series.

  • The Official Three Investigators Web Page -
    This web site has information supplied primarily by Elizabeth Arthur, the daughter of Robert Arthur, and her husband Steven Bauer. Some neat info here that you will not find anywhere else about the man who brought us the Three Investigators series.

  • The German 3 Investigators Web Site
    The Three Investigators are alive and well in Germany, where new stories are still being written. The definitive site for all things relating to T3I in Germany can be found at

  • William Arden/Dennis Lynds Web Site-
    Dennis Lynds has written books under many different names and consequently has quite an impressive list of credits to his name. You can find several sites that give some biographical information about him, but he recently began his own website. You can read all about his perspective on writing..

  • Book a minute humor -
    An ultra condensation of the major events in a T3I story. Don't go to this website unless you have a good sense of humor and can chuckle at the inherent formula writing that is part of any children's series of books.

  • The Jones Salvage Yard Forum
    This site is an excellent resource for T3I fans and includes a message board for posting and reading messages that pertain to the series. It's been in operation for over a year and is gaining popularity.

  • Yahoo Groups Three Investigators Forum
    This site is a very active forum for discussing the series. You can set your preferences to participate by e-mail or you can log into the group on a regular basis. Either way, it's fun to share thoughts about the series. Plus, we discuss a book every month or so.

  • Jonny Nillson's Web Sites
    Jonny is a good friend who has put together quite a definitive site on the Three Investigators in Europe. He has lots of information on past and present issues of books and has a passionate interest in the series. He's also a great guy to correspond with by e-mail.

  • Secrets of the Three Investigators -
    This is one of the few T3I sites that gives detailed information on the collecting aspects of the Three Investigators series. Robert has designed an attractive site that has, among other things, image scans of all the hardback and paperback covers printed by Random House over the years. He also gives hints on ways to collect the books, preserve the books, and handle them.

  • Juvenile Mysteries Web Site -
    This web site by Paulo Ferreira has information on the series, including covers from the Portuguese editions. He also has information on obtaining a specially printed business card of the Three Investigators. For fans speaking only English, you can read his website by using a webpage translator such as and translating the pages from Porguguese to English.


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