The Attraction of T3I

What made The Three Investigators such a
likable series among its fans? Almost every reader has
their opinions, but below are some of my personal
observations about what kept drawing me back to the
stories time and again.
The Alfred Hitchcock
The adventures of the Three Investigators were unique in
that they had a real-life mentor with a national and
international reputation already. Alfred Hitchcock was
widely known for suspense and storytelling in his movies
and other books; so a built-in audience of fans was just
waiting for something else to read.
One added bonus of having Hitchcock as a
mentor was that it gave a good opportunity for the
authors to tie up loose ends at the end of each story in
a way that did not seem too out of place. In many mystery
stories, the resolution at the end of the story can be
awkward because all the clues have to be explained, and
their relevance to the solution has to be justified. It
can be quite a challenge. By giving the boys an
opportunity to talk to Hitchcock, Robert Arthur set up an
excellent vehicle to end each story with all the
information we readers needed to understand how things
were pieced together.
Excellent personality distinctions among Jupe,
Pete, and Bob
As discussed in the characters section, Robert Arthur
designed the characters of the Three Investigators to
have a common interest in puzzle-solving, but then he
gave them each unique personalities that made them
readily distinguishable from each other. This made the
characters more memorable, and I find that it is easier
for me to remember plot lines and even character lines
from the earlier books because of these distinctions.
In the later books, one of the weaknesses was that it was
no longer easy to distinguish among the boys. Jupiter
always solved the mystery, of course, but Bob and Pete
blended together more often than not so that it almost
did not matter which character was in a particular scene.
Some of the funniest moments in the series occur in the
early books when Pete and Jupe would go back and forth at
each other (in jest) about whether there was danger
involved in a particular action. Jupiter would be ready
to charge ahead while Pete was worried about ghosts or
werewolves or whatever particular danger might be
lurking. Bob was game to try to solve the mystery too,
but he was also more cautious than Jupiter though not
usually as fearful as Pete.
Then, too, there is the creative side of Jupiter Jones,
who is able to take junk from the salvage yard and turn
it into equipment that every well-prepared detective
should have. I for one never grew tired of watching Jupe
come up with some new invention that was needed to solve
a case, from the See-All and walkie-talkies in
"Whispering Mummy" to the metal detector in
"Fiery Eye" to the special non-washable
ointment in "Invisible Dog."
Elements that kids love (secret hideouts,
secret rooms, tunnels, etc.)
Robert Arthur knew what kids liked, and he tried to
deliver it. What kid hasn't dreamed of their own hideout
where they could go to escape the adult-filled world?
What kid doesn't like the idea of tunnels, secret doors,
and gadgets that give them an edge over their friends?
Robert Arthur wove all these elements into his stories,
and I believe that was one reason why Headquarters for
the Three Investigators was such an integral part of his
stories. In two of the Arthur stories, the boys were away
from the Salvage Yard ("Skeleton Island" and
"Silver Spider"), yet Robert Arthur tried to
keep the readers interested by introducing caves at
Skeleton Island and the underground sewers (tunnels) in
The emphasis on these elements continued for a few
stories after his death, but it's obvious that as the
series wore on, these elements gradually moved out of the
picture. Headquarters was an occasional stopping place in
later stories and sometimes there was no mention whatever
of the place. The absence of these elements made the
Investigators seem more like the common teen detectives
instead of the unique characters that they were.
Good suspense and storytelling
As discussed in the authors section, Robert Arthur in
particular was skilled at crafting a story. He had a
strong ability to set up a scene so that the events
seemed to flow naturally, and his descriptions of places
and events were unparalleled.
Mary Carey and William Arden also had their strong
stories in which they were especially successful in
laying out a strong storyline. William Arden's work in
"Phantom Lake" is excellent, giving the reader
a strong sense of being in the story, feeling the
December weather, and seeing the events unfold. Mary
Carey also shined in stories such as "Invisible
Dog," where it is easy for the reader to lose
themselves in the story as they're reading the chapters.
Generally, the better stories were those that involved
fewer plot points and plenty of detail. In all of the
excellent examples listed, one day (or night) in the
investigation could take several chapters to complete,
giving ample time for the reader to understand what was
happening while the author built up to the climax of the
mystery. A good example of this is "Vanishing
Treasure" where the night of captivity for Jupe and
Pete takes almost a third of the book. In contrast, those
stories where so much time elapsed in only a couple of
pages resulted in losing the readers, and the stories
weren't as enjoyable.
Of course, strong depictions of the villains helped as
well. One of the best "villains" in the stories
is Huganay/Hugenay, who appears in both "Stuttering
Parrot" and "Screaming Clock." He's the
kind of criminal that is known to be dangerous but is so
interesting at the same time that the reader almost
applauds when he escapes at the end of "Screaming
Clever mysteries with good thought processes
The authors of The Three Investigators stories usually
tried to write the stories (like any good mystery writer)
so that the clues were present throughout the story for
the reader to take part in the mystery. Probably the most
rewarding stories were those where many clues are
revealed at the beginning of the story in a message and
then the boys would spend the majority of the book trying
to make sense of them (e.g., "Stuttering
Parrot," "Fiery Eye," "Dead Man's
Riddle"). By the end of the book, the reader has
mulled over the secret message quite a bit and has a lot
of excitement about finally seeing the solution.
Good illustrations that complement the text
In many of the books, the role of the illustrators was
almost as important as that of the authors because the
two worked together to combine the description of events
with the internal illustrations to convey a particular
visual image to the reader. At the present, it is rare to
find a mystery series that has solid storytelling with a
flair for description coupled with high-quality
illustrations to aid in the visualization process. In its
heyday, the Three Investigators had both. Terror Castle
would not have seemed nearly as spooky without Harry
Kane's illustrations (reading the revised keyhole edition
proves that to me), and Monster Mountain would not have
felt so wide and natural without the excellent artwork of
Jack Hearne.
