Standard Hardback Edition/
Gibraltar Library Binding

Random House issued the Three
Investigators books initially in hardback form with a
size that was slightly bigger than that used for the
Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew. These books had artwork on the
front (the early books also had wraparound artwork that
extended across the spine and went onto the back, except
for some versions of "Stuttering Parrot," which
had a yellow spine) usually drawn by the illustrator of
the book, although there were exceptions (see the
discussion on illustrators).
The title of the book at the top always started with
"Alfred Hitchcock and the Three Investigators in"
followed by the name of the mystery. Usually, Alfred
Hitchcock's name was bigger than that of The Three
Investigators in the early books, but that seemed to
change over time. The spines had a relatively bland bar
at the top that identified the books as being part of the
"Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Series" along with
the number of the book in the series.
Random House also issued books specifically for issue to
libraries that were supposedly more sturdy to endure the
constant handling. Referred to as Gibraltar Library
Binding, these books had an emblem on the back cover with
an elephant identifying them as having the special
binding. In general, the library binding held up pretty
well (at least of the ones I saw), but some books were
rebound, resulting in copies of the books that have the
interior pages drilled through at the spine and attached
to a newer cover that is usually one color with
monochrome artwork.
Internal illustrations were included in these books
through #28, "Deadly Double." After that entry
in the series, Robert Adragna took over the illustrations
for the covers, internal illustrations were no longer
provided, and only hardbacks with Gibraltar Library
Binding were issued. The earlier entries in the series
also had their covers redrawn by Adragna, and some newer
printings of the hardbacks can be found with Adragna

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